Subodh Bhave’s last outing in a Zee Marathi serial was in ‘Ka Re Durawa’ as the Boss Avinash Dev who was tough from the outside but soft-hearted from the inside. The audiences loved his role & performance. Now after 2 years he is all set to return to TV again with Zee Marathi!
‘Tula Pahate Re’ is the serial with which Subodh Bhave is returning to small screen. This story is about Isha & Vikram Saranjame & their relationship! Zee Marathi is venturing into a new subject which is about love being free from any age differences! The promo of this serial is out & opposite Subodh Bhave we will see debutant actress Gayatri Datar. The promo suggests the serial will be very grand in it’s canvas!
More information about the serial is yet to be revealed. In last few years Subodh Bhave has become an iconic film actor in Marathi cinema. Now as Vikram Saranjame he is all set to unfold different aspects of his acting skills & talent & the audiences too are excited to watch him in a serial. Very soon this serial will begin it’s telecast on Zee Marathi.