- Movie : Pipsi (2018) | पिप्सी
- Producer : Vidhi Kasliwal
- Director : Rohan Deshpande
- Studio : Landmarc Films
- Star Cast :
- Maithili Patwardhan
- Sahil Joshi
- Ajay Jadhav
- Atul Mahale
- Abhilasha Patil
- Pooja Nayak
- Writer : Saurabh Bhave
- Lyrics : Omkar Kulkarni
- Music : Debarpito Saha
- Sound Design : Anita Kushwaha
- Cinematography (DOP) : Late Aviram Mishra
- Editor : Mayur Hardas
- Art Director : Madhukar Kamble
- Costume : Sayli Soman
- Executive Producer : K. R. Mahadevan (Mohan)
- Marketing Consultant : Niranjan Vidyasagar
- Visual Promotion : Mohasin Kazi and Somnath Chavan
- Publicity Design : Chaitanya Sant (Mantra SDS)
- Genre : Drama
- Release Date : 27th July 2018
Synopsis : In the backdrop of one of India’s biggest environmental hazards that is quickly turning once fertile farmlands into arid wasteland, where suicide is evolving into a widely accepted cultural norm, as debt ridden and famine stricken farmers routinely kill themselves, two eight-year-old children try to make sense of life, death and disease as they try to save their precious fish. When a deconstruction of an article of faith coincides with yet another suicide in the village, Chaani and Balu are left trying to sift logic out of belief, fact out of fable.